Saturday, May 21, 2016

Trash Talk

(Fun with the selfie stick)

There is a lot of trash in Spain. The other day we were walking on the Camino and a Spaniard walked out of a shop and started on the Camino a few steps ahead of us. He promptly open his back and began peeling off the wrapping and tossing it on the ground. He left his own trail. Todd & I were astonished. 

Today as I was walking past a stream I was noticing all the beauty. And then I came an empty beer can next to some yellow flowers. I wondered why someone would dump their trash right here. It left me thinking about my own trash. What do I do with my trash?  Pollute the experience of other?  Dump my trash for someone else to clean up?  Stuff it?  Hide it and give others the impression I don't have any trash. Pretend it's not there. Sprew it on someone in a moment of anger?  

Unfortunately, I've done all of these things with my trash at one point or another. Today, I make every effort to get rid of my trash, put it where it belongs (usually in the trash bin) and move on. Try to make things better than when I found them. 

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