Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lessons from The Camino

The other day Todd & I were walking after a rainstorm and came upon a very muddy path. We hiked a few meters in the mud and decided we didn't want to get muddy so we backtracked and went looking for another path. 

The decision to try and avoid a foreseen difficulty lead us to a most unfortunate adventure. 

Today when we came upon a muddy trail, I thought, yeah, it's a bummer to walk in the mud, but I can do it. No problem. 

I wonder how many times I've come across a difficult task/experience and instead of facing it head on I have tried to skirt around it. 

I'll have no more of that attitude. I can do hard thing and I sure as heck can get a little muddy in the process. 

As the great Helen Reddy says, "I can do anything, I am strong (Strong). 
I am invincible (Invincible). 
I am woman!"

Camino by the sea. 
Pilgrims church clothes. 

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