Sunday, May 8, 2016

Roots of Kindness

"A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees."
Amelia Earhart

It is Mothers Day. When Todd and I arrived in the Basque Country we were warmly greeted by the grandparents of our foreign exchange son Ugo. Love manner in which we have been welcomed and embraced has reminded me of many of our days with Ugo. Our family had such a good relationship with Ugo and I often thought of the scripture in Matthew 7:20 "Wherefore, by your fruits yes shall know them."  Ugo has such a kind soul and good manners, we knew right way, by his fruits he was a wonderful boy. We eventually met his parents and brother and experienced the goodness of this family. This weekend we have been blessed to see and experience the roots of this great family. And as Ms Earhart describes, we have experienced the goodness of the roots that have sprung up and made new trees.  

Roots and trees are such a fitting analogy of this area. I'm not sure what I expected this region to look like. I have been surprised by the mountains and pine trees. Even though we are very near the beach, we are in the mountains. Today it is quite windy so as I sit on the deck, enjoying the warmth of the sunshine on my skin, the beauty of the mountains and sound of the rustling leaves and church bell ringing I am thankful for all my senses. I'm thankful for my own roots. And I pray for the roots I have planted, my they be ones of kindness. Happy Mothers Day, wherever you may be. 




  1. Debbie. I love this dream. I love how long of a journey it is. Thank you for sharing every part. You are inspiring. I am so excited to virtually walk a little with you. I love seeing things come full circle, like meeting your foreign exchange son and then meeting those who went before him. Love it.
