Thursday, May 19, 2016

The bridges of the Camino

There are so many beautiful bridges on the Camino de Norte. As I walk across each bridge I have reflected on the times in my life I have used/needed a bridge to escape or get reprieve from a trial or burden.  Sometimes the bridge represents a person who has assisted me and sometimes it is a gauge for where I am at in a particular experience. 

In this picture I am almost across the bridge and currently I am almost to Santiago de Compostela. 

Often I have to make an effort to get on/to the bridge. 

Many times I can't see what's on the other side. 

The journey is the destination. 

There are others to guide me if needed. 

Bien Camino


  1. I like bridges. So glad you are posting these lovely pictures of the ones you are crossing.

  2. Life is a bridge between yesterday and eternity. . . . . prodigalbiker.

  3. YOU are a bridge builder, Debra. Your eloquent words and beautiful prose connects us to the journey you are experiencing. We are richly rewarded as we vicariously follow you.
